Friday, January 16, 2009

Everything new on big houses

Marquette Preview

Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:59:14 -0800
So this week was a little hectic as I had to travel out west to my real job and do a crapload of work (the nerve of them!). I won’t have the regular preview extravaganza, so I will just point you over to my preview article that I guest posted on earlier in the week. A Preview of PC-Marquette] I am going to start contributing for them here and there throughout the rest of the season, but mostly likely I’ll end up posting the same content here. So don’t fret!

Norway - Growth of the soil

Fri, 16 Jan 2009 01:58:01 -0800
The weather is cold today. But not as cold as in other countries. For instance, in Norway, the weather is much colder. Even in Oslo, that is in Southern region of the country; but in Northern Europe.