Monday, April 06, 2009

All about baby einstein

Japan: Bird Flu Antibodies Found In Raccoons

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 12:51:00 -0700
# 2982 The H5N1 virus may be commonly called ` bird flu’ , but it has has shown an ability to infect a surprisingly wide range of hosts. Many species of birds are susceptible, of course. But we've also seen infections in a wide variety of mammals ; including cats , dogs , martens , civets , and of course humans . Researchers have successfully infected cattle with the H5N1 virus, along with ferrets and mice for testing. La

Maanyata to keep off from politics? (The Times of India)

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 01:09:36 -0700
Maanyata to keep off from politics?

Behind the scenes at the Pet Connection

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 14:20:02 -0700
Christie’s in Vegas at the HSUS Animal Care Expo . Everyone else is on some painful needed-it-yesterday deadline or at a conference. I’m on several of those deadlines at once, plus on puppy watch. The minute cloning is cool for people, I mean to sign up. I could use a couple more me’s. Oh but … this is exciting: Pet Connection Contributing Editor Mikkel Becker Shannon will spend six weeks in glorious San Francisco starting later this month. No, it’s not some fabulouso vacation: She has